Turkey Drive-Thru Giveaway

The Thanksgiving season gives each of us a chance to reflect on the many blessings in our life. Not only that, but it also gives us the chance to GIVE BACK!

To kick off this season of giving, we’re helping to sponsor a Turkey Giveaway for families in need in the city of Lynwood on Saturday, November 21, 2020. We’re honored to participate for the first time this year along with so many other incredible sponsors.

Sponsors include the City of Lynwood, California; Parks Make Life Better; Superior Groceries; La Union Hace La Fuerza; and Fox 11 Los Angeles.

If you’re looking for a meaningful Thanksgiving volunteer opportunity in the Los Angeles area, please reach out to us to volunteer or participate as a sponsor.

Happy Thanksgiving!


This food distribution is part of our “Give Away Park” initiative—a series of service activities at which we give to those in need, sometimes in a real park and sometimes not. Please contact us if you have goods or services you’d like to donate to our next event or know of an event we can help at.


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Give Away Park