Inaugural Young Men’s Leadership Conference

Choices made during the adolescent years play a vital role in shaping the direction of a child’s life. Through meaningful education and positive mentorship, children can gain the necessary tools to reach higher and start on their own road to do great things.

Job had the chance to be one of those mentors at the Inaugural Young Men’s Leadership Conference at Moreno Valley Community College last month.

This three-week event hosted by TRiO Programs provided nearly 600 middle school boys from Moreno Valley Unified School District (MVUSD) and Val Verde Unified School District (VVUSD) with the chance to learn and participate in the series “Championships: Empowering the Next Generation to Win.”

Job spoke to about 200 attendees each day through interactive workshops as he highlighted different careers in music and media. He also had the chance to interact with the boys one on one and join them for lunch!

The purpose of the conference was to:

1) Provide an opportunity for young men from local schools to explore potential post-secondary educational and career pathways.

2) Connect students with current college students and professionals as models.

3) Help students draw connections between their current educational experience with future career possibilities.

The federally funded TRiO provides college opportunity programs for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, encouraging and supporting them in their pursuit of a college degree.


Warming Hearts Blanket Drive


Heart of Job Foundation Willshire Reception